Monday, May 6, 2013

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crazy like a fox : west

The snoring ripped the roof
right off the holograph;
Rain softened it's  profile,
prepared it for seeding
a real body.
First, it must be carved
in wood... haul the junkers
to the dump.
This is the dump, a
graveyard of iconic houses
and endless conversation
about money.
Listening for spirits and carving,
leaves but little time .

Monday, May 31, 2010


Coyote of boreal suburbia
eats any object made of
meat that moves and
rubber boots. Even the
crows have moved on;
gardens growing madly,
deer afraid to risk dear
life for easy succulents;
paths untrodden,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hero Whine

Paste this into your
scrapbook of delusions:
all of nothing is no thing;
be an artist, Zappa some
thing out of it, then sell
it, Taurus. Labour before
capital: get the silicone
out before it hurts you.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Irish Linen

A shot across the loom ,
then up,   and 
walk with  me awhile
among the bursting buds
where crows vigil
their broods silently.
Soon their handsome young
will leave the roost
to cavil seagulls
over scraps. Remember
when they crossed
the ocean, built cathedrals,
ordered damask for their tables?

Friday, April 9, 2010


Ruined but alive , wounded heart
encircled critically by rampant
wild blackberry canes, thorns
impaling nerve endings, pruning
with a vengeance what remained
of a defensive attitude; a life spent
propping up unworthy falderal,
yet energy sequesters for another
round of leaf and bloom and berry.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


In turning my attention to other things,
I found Daphne volunteering near the
compost, her existence justified by
fragrance and color indescribable; she
lives so quietly, transported from a
rooted shoot mere centimetres long,
Cape Breton born and bred, a beauty
never noticed till this afternoon when,
at news of sons and brothers lost, her
sister from another garden consoled
a mourner with her sweetness.